I've a bee pollen-dedicated site at BeePollenForHealth.com - do swing by to go in-depth on bee pollen supplementing and more there - Nigel

Bee Pollen Vitamin B12 Benefits

Bee pollen is rich in vitamin B 12 complex, and its many benefits are not often known, especially by people who may need to supplement this specific essential vitamin.

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is vital and crucial for so many aspects of our health, from the production of red blood cells (RBC), to keeping your nerve and brain cells healthy; and responsible for the smooth functioning of several critical body processes.

People who are deficient of B12 usually experience fatigue, mental fatigue, mood swings and difficulties sleeping. In severe cases, it can result in a host of illnesses such as anemia, fatigue, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, depression, poor memory, soreness of the mouth, asthma, vision problems, and a low sperm count.

Basically, vitamin B12 to your body is as important as fuel to car.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is seldom seen in young people, those who are more at risk includes strict vegetarians, heavy drinkers and smokers, pregnant and breast-feeding women, and the elderly who usually require vitamin B12 supplements.

So Where Does Vitamin B12 Comes From?

Excellent sources of vitamin B12 are found in animal-based food products such as eggs (my favorite!), poultry, fish, shellfish, meat (especially liver – my favorite again) and dairy products such as cream, cheese, milk etc.

You only need 1.5 micrograms of vitamin B12 each day and if you eat a normal healthy and balanced diet you are unlikely to have a deficiency.

What Can You Do About B12 Deficiency?

Doctors and health professionals may prescribe vitamin B12 injections as standard treatments for deficiency…but frankly speaking, I don’t think most of us here would enjoy taking injections regularly. Not keen.

An alternative to B12 injections is to then supplement, on a regular basis, to ensure that your body has the correct levels of this vitamin, as well as all the benefits that comes with it.

There are actually a few ways to supplement, and one of them is to take fortified cereals if you want to avoid taking animal-based food products.

A study also found that “individuals who took a supplement containing vitamin B12 or consumed fortified cereal more than four times per week were much less likely to have a vitamin B12 deficiency.”

Tucker KL, Rich S, Rosenberg I, Jacques P, Dallal G, Wilson WF, et al. Plasma vitamin B12 concentrations relate to intake source in the Framingham Offspring Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71:514-22. [PubMed abstract]

Another study has shown that “Individuals who have trouble absorbing vitamin B12 from foods, as well as vegetarians who consume no animal foods, might benefit from vitamin B12-fortified foods, oral vitamin B12 supplements, or vitamin B12 injections.”

Markle HV. Cobalamin. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 1996;33:247-356. [PubMed abstract] 

Bee Pollen And Vitamin B12

Bee pollen is known as a superfood, and authors and bee pollen researchers Carlson Wade and Royden Brown said:

30-35 grams of bee pollen is all we need a day for all our nutritional needs, and water, and we will live healthy.

Bee pollen also contains rich sources of vitamin B12, which is also not sourced/taken from animal/meat. It is a complete food which is rich in 96 known nutrients to mankind, including vitamins C, B Complex, and E, folate, and minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, potassium and calcium – all minerals known to have health benefits plus freely available amino acids (protein) to repair and build muscles.

As bee pollen is very nutritious, you will not only get your vitamin B12 supply from there, but a whole host of health benefits associated with taking bee pollen too such as improved sexual drive, improved energy, lose weight, healthier skin and more.

Finding The Best Bee Pollen B12 Vitamin

As bee pollen is a natural-occurring superfood, it can be contaminated by pollution, toxins and pesticides, depending on where it is sourced and if pesticides are used.

As I’m particularly sensitive to what I allow into my system (contaminants, toxins and pesticides are a strict no-no, for obvious reasons), I will check where the pollen is sourced from.

How To Enjoy The True Health Benefits Of Bee Pollen

If you’re deciding on buying bee pollen to supplement your vitamin B12 levels and improve your health and energy levels, you must pay attention to three things:

  • Where the pollen is sourced: it needs to be harvested from an area that is pollutant/contaminant-free, pure, pristine and natural. Avoid anything that is near an industrialized or polluted area
  • The pollen needs to be freeze dried and not heat dried. Heat drying destroys all the active and health-giving nutrients and enzymes, rendering the pollen useless
  • The pollen supplement needs to be managed in a cGMP-compliant facility, that adheres to strict US FDA standards, and has individual Certificates of Analysis for every batch, which signifies quality. Such supplements are called nutraceuticals, the highest quality.

Many bee pollen products are from China (where quality isn’t always prioritized or given) or non-GMP companies (most supplement companies in US are non-GMP compliant) which may contain contaminants or heat-dried pollen, both of which renders the pollen useless, and the contaminants are risk to your health.

I am very particular on what I take, I will only take good things and not allow myself/my body to take contaminated products, and I wish the same for you too.

The bee pollen supplement I take is freeze dried and scientifically formulated to also contain additional synergistic enzymes, amino acids and minerals to enhance the health benefits. The pollen is harvested from north-western corner of south island of New Zealand, a pure and pristine area beside a national part that is free from industrialization and airborne pollution.

Its nutritional effects will be noticed and I comfortably personally endorse it. When you factor in the fact that it is processed and manufactured in GMP compliant facilities with standards that meet the FDA’s standards for pharmaceutical-grade quality drugs, it’s even better. Basically earning this a nutraceutical status (highest label for a supplement in terms of quality), and this is not common nor easily found in the US.

The manufacturer also offers a 365 days money back guarantee or full product replacement – something the health world don’t offer today. It’s also less expensive than other supplements while still maintaining a high level of quality, pharmaceutical quality.

I’ve been taking this personally since 2014, and I honestly say this: it has helped me a lot in my life, giving me all the energy, health and wellness I need to handle my 5 AM to 10 PM days everyday, young children, family, manage multiple busy physiotherapy clinics, meetings, investments, readings etc. To me, it’s one of my favorite and important supplements that I take every day. Without fail.

Read more or try it here, or read my review on this product here.

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products that i've been using since 2014

Here are the Xtend Life health supplements that I personally use since 2014 and reviewed that I know will improve your health results.

Total Balance Men's Premium (review here)

Omega 3 Fish Oil QH Ultra
(review here)

Kiwi Klenz
(review here)

Garcinia Cambogia + Green Coffee Bean

Lipi Rite (review here)

Natural Energy Bee Pollen (review here)

See all the Xtend Life Supplements Nigel Take


Green Lipped Mussel Powder (read review)
Joints & anti inflammation

Neuro Natural Recall (read review)
Brain & memory booster

Neuro Natural Serenity (read review)
Brain & mood booster

Neuro Natural Sleep (read review)
Improves sleep quality

Neuro Natural General (read review)
Brain & memory booster

Male Rejuvenator (read review)
Aids sex & prostate health

Female Rejuvenator (read review)
Boosts female sexual health

Natural Energy with NZ Bee Pollen (read review)
Ups energy & alertness

Kiwi-Klenz (read review)
Aids nutrient absorption & digestive health

Immu-Stay (read review)
Boosts immunity defence

Lipi-Rite (read review)
Manage high cholesterol

Not Just Joints (read review)
Joints & arthritis support

Systemic Care (read review)
Diabetes health support

Bone-Support (read review)
Aids bone strength & health

Cardio-Support (read review)
Boosts heart health

Garcinia Cambogia &  Green Coffee Bean (read review)
Weight loss supplement

Zupafood Elite
(read review)
Libido, immunity & energy

Zupafood Greenz (read review)
Detox, immunity & liver

Zupafood for Skin (read review)
Glutathione, marine collagen & elastin

Prostate-Support (read review)
Prostate & sexual health, better sleep

Men's Foaming Facial Cleanser (read review)
With natural Kiwifruit & Manuka Honey

Men's Exfoliating Scrub (read review)
Removes dead skin cells & refine pores

Men's Facial Fluid (read more)
Repairs, restores & soothes

Men's Eye Serum (read review)
Energizes, hydrates & firms tired eyes

Men's Body Lotion (read review)
Moisturizes & improves skin elasticity

Men's Hydrating Mask (read review)
Invigorates & deep hydration

Men's Cleansing Mask (read review)
Purge impurities & refines skin

Women's Nourishing Hand Cream (read review)
Protects, moisturizes & soothes skin

Women's Exfoliating Scrub (read review)
Refines & renews skin

Women's Day Cream (review here)
Moisturizing & anti aging

Women's Day Cream + Natural Whitening (read review)
Whitens, reduces fine lines & reduces wrinkles

Women's Night Cream (read review)
Omega 3 & 6 anti oxidant skin renewing moisturizer

Women's Sheer Day And Night Cream (read review)
Softens, anti wrinkle & hydrates

Women's Eye Serum (read review)
Energizes, firms and hydrates tired eyes

Women's Body Lotion (read review)
Soothes, anti oxidant & hydration

Women's Hydrating Mask (read review)
Invigorates & hydrates

Women's Cleansing Mask (read review)
Renews, supports & invigorates skin

Women's Foaming Facial Cleanser (read review)
With natural Kiwifruit & Manuka Honey

Total Balance Men's Premium (read review)
Comprehensive cellular multi vitamins

Total Balance Women's Premium (read review)
Comprehensive cellular multi vitamins

Total Balance Unisex Premium (read review)
Comprehensive cellular multi vitamins

Total Balance Children's (read review)
For healthy development, immunity & learning

Multi-Xtra (read review)
48 bio available  nutrients for cellular health

Omega 3 DHA Fish Oil Premium (read review)
Helps mood, heart, cholesterol & sleep

Omega 3 DHA Fish Oil (read review)
Aids joints, heart, cholesterol & sleep

Omega 3 / QH Ultra CoQ10-Ubiquinol (read review)
Cardiovascular health, anti cholesterol & energy

Omega 3 / DHA Mini (read review)
Easier for children to swallow; aids brain, memory & learning